NYPC Journalism Awards

It’s an enduring tradition in New York media – the annual New York Press Club Awards for Journalism, honoring excellence in various categories by writers, reporters, editors, producers, shooters and multimedia-ographers.

The competition is open to individuals and news organizations based or operating in New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut and to individuals working elsewhere on behalf of New York metro-area news organizations

Entries are considered in 30 categories as submitted by news organizations and individual journalists from New York City, the United States and from around the globe.

We are now accepting submissions for the 2025 awards. Please review the Categories and Rules before the Submit Entry tab on the menu bar above. Submission fee is $100 for members and a $175 for non-members. 

Awards unique to the New York Press Club competition include the Gabe Pressman “Truth to Power” award honoring an individual whose body of work challenges the power establishment and/or defends journalists (last year’s recipient was Todd Maisel from the NY Media Consortium). Other awards are the Nellie Bly Cub Reporter award and the Gold Keyboard award for excellence in investigative journalism.

Judging is by prominent working journalists, former journalists and academics who are selected for their expertise in each category. Their decisions are final.

Winners receive an engraved plaque and are invited to celebrate with the New York Press Club at its annual Awards Dinner in June 2025. Details to come.

Duplicate journalism awards plaques are available on the plaque order page.


NY Press Club Special Awards (Open to All Media)

Gold Keyboard(Single winner)

For the story or series that constitutes outstanding enterprise or investigative reporting. The intention is to award a reporter or news team for digging up and skillfully presenting a story that otherwise would not have been told.

Nellie Bly Cub Reporter:(Single winner)

Best journalistic effort by an individual with three years professional experience or less. A letter from a supervisor attesting to professional tenure must be submitted.

Student Journalism Award

Outstanding regular coverage of a topic, issue, or event on-campus or off by a single student reporter or team of student reporters and editors. Focus on quality of news gathering, writing, storytelling, video, podcast, photography. One each for online, print, broadcast, podcast. A letter from a professor attesting to student’s good standing must be included with the submission.

Rev. Mychal Judge Heart of New York

For the story or series that is most complimentary of New York City. Good news about people, places, and deeds.

Categories noted with an asterisk (*) are divided into two subcategories: NYC Metro and National 

The NYC Metro subcategory is for entries within the below categories submitted by local print, broadcast, and internet outlets covering the NY metropolitan area.  Those entries would be about topics, issues, and people within the same NY metro region.

The National subcategory is for entries within the below categories submitted by national print, broadcast, and internet news outlets, including TV network programming, national magazines, newspapers, radio networks, and websites.  These entries would be about topics, issues, and people outside the NY metro region.

All Media (Print, Broadcast, Online)

*Business Reporting:

For hard news coverage, story or series, of developments in business, finance, economics, trends, or management.

Climate & Environment Award:

This new category appropriate for high-impact stories involving the environment, climate-change, weather specifically relating to environmental causes, emissions regulations, alternative energy, etc.


For distinguished editorial writing or commentary. Emphasis is on timeliness, clarity, balance, and certain knowledge presented in a way that can sway or convincingly inform public opinion.

Consumer Reporting:

For timely coverage of safety issues, business trends, product/service scams, or unique consumer strategies of demonstrably useful interest to consumers.

*Continuing Coverage:

For reporting of an ongoing story that, over time, demonstrates through enterprise and/or individual reporting, meaningful developmental broadening of the subject, event, or premise.

Courtroom Illustration:

For exceptional artistic and technical competence that captures the moment and emotion of the proceedings within a believable aesthetic. Links required to artwork published online or broadcast within 24 hours of the story.

*Crime Reporting:

For hard news coverage of crime, cops, and courts.

Critical Arts Review:

For an exceptional critique of theatre, music, and the arts that goes beyond a simple review. Emphasis is on expertise and command of a specific art form, and insightful observation.


For excellence in investigative, long-form reporting. Subject must be consequential and of contemporary significance. Presentation must be in traditional documentary form, not as a series or collection of related material published serially.

Entertainment News:

For timely, news-based coverage of the arts, books, TV, movies, dance, architecture, or the business of entertainment.

*Feature Reporting:

For human interest feature reporting. No hard news. Entries must NOT fall into the Entertainment News, Science Feature, or Sports Feature categories. Topics can include feature angles or tell unique stories based on any subject except those that would qualify for the categories mentioned above.

*Feature Reporting-Science Medicine Technology:

For human interest science and medicine reporting. Can include an element of hard news but should focus on the human interest angles of any subject related to health, medicine, or technology.

*Feature Reporting-Sports:

For human interest sports reporting. No hard news. Entries must not fall into the Feature Reporting or Sports News categories. Topics can include feature angles on any subject related to sports.

Food Writing:

For skillful, knowledgeable, and discerning reporting/writing about food. No restaurant reviews but chef assessments are appropriate. Focus should be on the art, science, and aesthetics of sourcing, preparing, and serving any kind of dish or meal.


Entries must significantly enhance understanding or comprehension of the topic at hand or tell a complete story without accompanying editorial.

*Political Reporting:

For timely reporting in the realms of politics and government.

*Special Event Reporting:

Coverage that exhibits editorial effort beyond what is usual and ordinary. This might include special coverage of anticipated events, specially featured enterprise reporting, or any reporting of consequence that transcends the usual, day-to-day routine.

*Sports News:

For hard news coverage of professional or amateur athletics.

*Spot News:

Any unplanned, unscheduled news coverage requiring an immediate response. The entry must exhibit real-time reporting during or soon after an event on one or several platforms, among them: broadcast, website, print, social media, mobile.

Travel Writing:

For distinguished reporting and writing about travel. Focus is on evocative, informative chronicles of personal travel experiences. Exemplary “destination” pieces that include listings for local access, accommodations, attractions, etc., are also eligible.

Television-Specific Award

News Special:

For one-time news “specials.” Entries should run a maximum of 35-minutes though leeway is provided, depending on the material.

Internet-Specific Award


For skillful presentation of a story or series in podcast form. Must be portable and playable “on-demand”. Must be accessible by download and/or web stream. Repurposing TV or radio reports will be disqualified. One podcast episode or series compilation only; no multiple episodes.


PODCAST – Unscripted Interviews:

This includes daily or otherwise regular podcasts using conversations, interviews, commentary, analysis, or roundtable discussions.

PODCAST — Scripted Series:

This includes news-based documentaries and investigative reports.


Photo Awards (Print, Online)

Feature Photo:

A photography, not an editorial award. Photography must display extraordinary technical and artistic competence, originality, sensitivity and subjectivity in a human interest or feature report.

Spot News Photo:

Best photograph of a news story or event under breaking news conditions.

Videography Awards (TV, Online)

This one is about the camera skills more than the editorial.

Feature Videography:

Videography must display extraordinary technical and artistic competence, originality, sensitivity, and subjectivity in a human interest or feature report.

Spot News Videography:

For the best news videography of a breaking story by an individual or crew.  Entries must have been aired within 24 hours of the story or within regular deadlines in the case of a TV news magazine show.

Community Coverage

Eligible news organizations include community publications with the following stipulations:

  • must be a print publication established one year or more from the time of submission
  • must cover a specific neighborhood, borough or county within the NY metropolitan region (the same publication cannot cover multiple boroughs)
  • must be either a weekly, bi-weekly or monthly publication (no dailies, quarterlies, bi-annual publications or websites)
  • must have a minimum page count per edition of 10 pages (publication sections may also be counted towards the 10 pages)
  • must be a publication that allows letters to the editor or an opinion section
  1. The competition is open to all individuals and news organizations.
  2. All entries must have been published or broadcast during the previous calendar year. Entries must be presented as they were first published or broadcast. Thus, submissions for 2025 must be as originally published or broadcast in 2024.
  3. Entries must be submitted in digital form. They can be uploaded or you can include a link to the entry. Information about submission formats and requirements can be found in the “Tech Specs” section.
  4. An entry may only be submitted in one category.

Note: Multiple stand-alone pieces submitted as one entry will be judged based on the first piece appearing on the entry form, the others will be disqualified. This rule does not apply to multi-part or series entries.  

Multi-part or series entries may be entered as a single entry but must be limited to “the heart” of the material.  Further, it must be obvious to the judges that each piece is part of a cohesive whole.  Entries on the same topic but clearly not part of a series will be judged according to the Note above. The number of parts submitted cannot exceed three, and 30 minutes of total running time. 

  1. An entry submitted in an incorrect category will be disqualified. The judges are not able to re-classify incorrectly classified entries.
  2. Entry fees are due at time of entry. They must accompany all entries. Fees may be submitted by credit card or PayPal on the New York Press Club site.
  3. Entries for which no entry fees have been received will not be judged.
  4. Deadline for submission 4/7.



If you are not a member of the New York Press Club, please register here before submitting an entry. 

The award winners will be announced in May.

Instructions for submitting an award entry:

1. New York Press Club Members should login using their regular username and password. If you are not a NYPC member, you must register first. Your username and password will be saved on the site.  You will be able to save a draft and return to complete your submission without registering each time. You must use your login every time you access the Awards section.

2. To register, you can click on “Register” on the top menu of the NYPC homepage or the link above on this page. 

3. Once you have registered (or logged in as a NYPC member), you will be directed to your My Account page. From this page you can submit a new entry or go back to a saved draft entry. 

4. To submit a new entry, click on the Awards tab at the top of the page. From the Awards Tab drop down menu, select NYPC Journalism Awards. (You’ll land on the Overview page which also has a link to register if you haven’t done it yet.)

5. Select the Submit Entry tab to begin the application process. You’ll land on the instructions. The actual application link is at the bottom of the page, labeled Submit Entry Here. 

6. At the bottom of the online entry form, you have a choice of saving the entry as a Draft or clicking on Complete. 

7. Once completed, you will be directed to a page that will allow you to add the entry (or entries) to your cart.

8. From your cart, you have the choice of paying via credit card or PayPal. Entries do not qualify for judging unless payment is received.

9. To return to a saved draft entry, log in. You will be directed to your My Account page. Note that from the menu on the left of the page, you can access your draft entry by clicking on My Entries and selecting the entry you want to edit. Once edited, follow instructions above for completing an entry and payment.

Entries must be submitted in digital format. If a file is being uploaded the maximum file size is 50MB for each file.

Print Material

PDF optimized for Web viewing. Max. size: 8.5″ x 14″.


PDF, JPEG / JPG at Web resolution (72 – 150ppi). Multiple photos submitted for a single award must be included in a single PDF.

Audio Material

MP3 or WAV formats only.

Video Material

Video must be self-hosted and submitted as a URL. “Self-hosted” includes video hosted by services such as YouTube, Vimeo, et. al. Video must be viewable over a conventional, “consumer grade” broadband connection and be free from passwords or other access restrictions.

Web Entries

10 URL fields are provided on each form for individual or multi-part Web entries or Web adjuncts to broadcast or print entries. Each URL field includes a companion description field into which you may (and should) place explanatory information.

Cover Letter

Cover letters are not required but are advised to provide the judges with context. Cover letters must be submitted as PDFs in the specified entry form field. When possible, cover letters can (and should) be inserted as the first page of the entry file.

Upload Notes

  1. Complete and submit a separate entry form for each entry.
  2. Maximum individual file size: 50MB.
  3. Uploaded files must end in: .PDF .JPEG .JPG .MP3 or .WAV
  4. Name your entry files descriptively and consistently (e.g., “NewsOrg-StorySlug-cover-letter.pdf”, “NewsOrg-StorySlug-entry.pdf”, etc)

Q: I’d like to enter in the Nellie Bly Cub Reporter category. How many pieces should I submit?

A: At least one, of course. But if you believe entering several pieces, even on different topics, better showcases your talents, you are limited only by the three-piece, 5,000 word cap we impose on other categories (see below). Multiple pieces should be packaged into a single PDF for upload or if multimedia, as a combination of PDF and web links.

Q: I’d like to enter in the Rev. Mychal Judge Heart of New York category. How many pieces should I submit?

A: See answer to the Nellie Bly question, above.

Q: I have three radio reports to enter as a series, each contained in a separate MP3 file. Your entry form accommodates only one file to be uploaded as a Main Entry. How do I get around this?

A: Combine all three reports sequentially into a single audio file and upload the result as an MP3 (or WAV) file.

Q: I have several photos to enter for a particular award. Your entry form accommodates only one file to be uploaded as a main entry. How do I get around this?

A: Combine all photos into a single PDF file, each on its own page, and upload the PDF document.

Q: Must I include a cover letter with each entry?

A: No. Cover letters are not required. However, they are likely to be of help to the judges if they contain useful context information about the entry with a minimum of hyperbole. We recommend that cover letters be included as the first page of your Main Entry file. Cover letters may also be uploaded separately as a PDF file in the spot designated for them on the entry form.

Q: What is the distinction between a cover letter and a synopsis?

A: Cover letters are not required, a synopsis is required. The synopsis should be a very brief description of what the piece is about and is intended to provide the judges with context. Logistical details should not be included in the synopsis. Submit only a thumbnail description of the entry that sums up for the judges what they are about to view.

Q: If my category choice is incorrect, do the judges have the option of moving my entry to a different category?

A: NO. You must decide which is the most appropriate category for your material. The judges will not move an entry to a different category. Some material might be appropriate in more than one category; however, it is up to you to decide which category to enter. (Entries entered into categories that are inappropriate are subject to disqualification.)

Q: Please clarify category limitations for individual and multiple entries.

A: The only limitation is that a particular piece can be entered into only one category.* There is no limit on the number of different pieces that can be entered into a single category.

For example, a reporter wishing to enter story “A” may enter that story into only one category. But that reporter may also enter stories “B”, “C”, and “D” – on different topics – into the same category. Once entered, none of the stories may be entered into any other category.

*An exception exists for entries made by different talents on the creation team. For example, in TV, an entry may be submitted by a reporter for one of the editorial awards. The same entry may also be entered by the shooter for one of the photo or videography awards.

Q Please clarify length-limits for entries.

A Length limits are in place to assure that the judges see “the heart” of the material entered. A 5,000 word entry applies to each individual print or web entry. For series or multi-part entries, a three-piece, or 30-minute limit applies.

For example, let’s say a newspaper ran a 10-piece series in daily installments. To enter the series, editors would select up to three installments from the 10 in the series (the “heart” of the material) and the combined word count for all five installments would have to come in at not much more than 5,000 words. Sidebars do not count as installments but they do contribute to word count.

In Memoriam

Peter O. E. Bekker

The New York Press Club is indebted to Peter O. E. Bekker, former administrator, techie-in-residence, and good friend. Our new website has been underwritten by Fred Bekker in memory of his brother’s enduring legacy.


An underwriter of Press Club’s Awards for Journalism ceremony and our Foundation’s annual Holiday Party for charity. Con Edison Inc. has been supplying the energy that powers New York for more than 180 years.

Click to learn more

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