A Letter from Steve Scott, NYPC First Amendment Chair
Make no mistake about it. The First Amendment is under attack.
“You can’t speak truth to power, if those in power can crush the truth.”– Jim Acosta, 2019 recipient of the New York Press Club’s Gabe Pressman “Truth to Power” Award
Journalists are being threatened and physically attacked, simply for doing their jobs. The president of the United States calls the press “the enemy of the American people.” Government officials, from Washington to the smallest communities in the country, are ignoring Open Meetings laws, and closing their doors to the press and public. Well-researched reporting is labeled as “fake news.” Newsroom staffs are being reduced, as corporate profits have become the priority over journalism.
No one will defend us if we don’t defend ourselves. It is incumbent upon all of us in journalism to keep our eyes and ears open to attacks and abuse.
The New York Press Club regularly speaks out on issues that we see as a threat to our hard-earned press freedoms. But, we need your help. If you know of a threat against the First Amendment, please let me know, at stevescott@nypressclub.org. I can’t guarantee that we’ll be able to comment on every item we receive, but it will be good to keep an open folder of your concerns.
Thank you,
Steve Scott
New York Press Club First Amendment Chairman